Act of Fury: Kraine's Revenge iPhone

Act of Fury: Kraine's Revenge iPhone
It is with great joy that we find ourselves in front of a pleasant distraction of a model playful in vogue a decade ago and maybe more, and it is pleasant to note that the signature behind is that of an Italian team, Darkwave Games. Although very few menu items screen betray the latter view, being totally in English. Act of Fury: Kraine's Revenge is a vertical scrolling shoot'em up which, believe it or not, there will fire a shot.

But the one born of DG is a blaze of bullets. Enemies. The firepower of the player is zero and the only way to face the hostility is given by the tornado that surrounds the protagonist. It will be imperative to approach close to the enemies to destroy them, maybe tearing down the buildings present in combo to increase the destructive power. The most experienced player will have to position themselves to hit multiple elements at the same time (whether enemies or buildings) in order to increase their attack power and hit multiple enemies simultaneously. All paying attention to the myriad of bullets that invade the screen.

On balance the gameplay works well because it fits perfectly with the control system adopted: not having to worry about firing, the player is only required to move Kraine (read character) by moving your finger in any area of ??the screen, which makes it easy and immediate. But now Act of Fury proves a title from the solid gameplay, where for more than nine overall levels will serve the wise use of power-ups (in this sense, could be done a little more), great skill in extricating in the midst of bullets enemies and great sense of place. Leaving then the Hell Mode that will be faced only by the most carping gamers, given the high level of difficulty and the conduct of hostilities that even under attack, will shoot everything.
A middle ground. From the above it is clear as Act of Fury is a pleasant distraction compared to the more classical vertical scrolling shoot'em up, set to zero by limiting the firepower of the player and shifting the focus on melee combat, vulgarly speaking ( Kraine flies over the enemy and they are not affected). This formula not only works, but it fits well to the portable nature of the title and the constraints of the iPhone screen. Some notes is still a must, because sometimes you want to run the risk of incorrect positioning of the finger on the screen (much less likely on iPad), making it indecipherable what happens on screen, either because despite the presence of bosses , and a level of difficulty calibrated upwards, to reach the epilogue not require some kind of time-consuming. With respect to those who snobber? mode Hell as being too difficult.

Before concluding, we mention an audiovisual department of discrete bill, support for Game Center and Open Feint, the availability of the game on both iPhone and iPad and the price currently set at € 2.39, maybe not very low. But the quality you pay for.

A valuable work by Darkwave Games that produces vertical scrolling shoot'em up one original and that especially goes, almost perfectly, the portable nature of the title.

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