Agassi Tennis Generation 2002 - PC

Agassi Tennis Generation 2002 - PC
Find and expose all the weaknesses of this product of Aqua Pacific is quite simple, what is puzzling is celebrated as a champion like Agassi might give way, almost svendendola, and its image as a great producer like the Cryo, usually used in many other products, has been able to support such a failure. Maybe you thought to take a double benefit, raising the figure of U.S. tennis player for a long time in the shade after a blazing early career and recently returned to the true elite of world tennis and combining the best combination of "name-calling successful game" .
Rarely seen titles dedicated to the sport of a certain thickness, the best of all is Virtua Tennis, while others collect only a few crumbs.
If you can salvage something we would have to focus on player animations, made ??with a motion capture convincing, but sin that they are always the same and in the end follow each other in an annoyingly repetitive.

We start as usual by the graphic design.
Leaving aside the action in motion capture, just mentioned, the first thing you notice is the extreme poverty of all. The menus, for example, are very spartan and actually offer very little!
The playgrounds are all very similar and do not seem as different as performance: a cement or a carpet, usually fast, are almost similar to the red earth, notoriously slow.
The replay, like the rest of the game, are characterized by a chronic futility that is overshadowing their meanings: flat, repetitive, very incisive.
You do not need to raise the content of the few effects: a little 'dust rising, in the footsteps of players, the sign of the balls.
And despite the graphics department is not exciting, it is required a video card that supports T & L and has 32 ??megs of ram!
As regards the representation of the players, of which only the Andre Agassi is real, the others are unknown emeriti by improbable names, to which would be given of the characteristics "unique" ... we made it hard to see.

The flatness of the same we find in the audio noises, that in tennis you know there are very few, are rendered quite well, but the speech is a kind of festival of clich?s.
In addition to being soon repeated (the whole game is a mere repetition of infinity itself) the idiocy of the comment itself is perplexing. How can you say that "we see signs of recovery" when you've just made ??a 15 under 5-0??
And how do you say "that the preparation is approximate" if it leads 2 sets zero, 40-0, and service to match point after a mistake in the first place??

A doubt remains: could also be that the graphics and audio vested with the task less important, and the focus is in the excellent gameplay ...
Well, let's face it immediately without much preamble, the gameplay is flawed and not the AI ??lifts the fortunes of the game. The control is very cumbersome and complicated by a series of buttons for the various shots: was it not better to follow the path opened by Virtua Tennis, or a button, and the rest adjustable in combination with the movement? Both end with ATG using a single key because the other are almost useless and soon you forget even of their existence.
The AI ??is terrible singles opponents play alternating current. Every now and then unsheathe hits to the extent possible, sometimes impaled on drawers are not too powerful and pieces.
But the best is the double: the computer-controlled companion moves only rarely and almost never useful in moments. The ball even if the switch to 5 mm from the nose, never mentions to move or even moves or drops ...
Unfortunately, not very effective AI does not stop there, as our partner responds badly, walks off the court, fails to 2 meters from the network, double faults, dampened by half field ...

To complete the picture, there are opponents: very precise and infallible in doubles, obviate the need for a game against the computer. If you play in two humans is a hair better, but it is then that comes out the mismanagement of the controls.
In short, a title very disappointing. Virtua Tennis is much better and is now without a rival.

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