Age of Empires II: The Conquerors - PC

Age of Empires II: The Conquerors - PC
You have already led the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans to conquer the world? You have already led Britons, Byzantines, Celts, Chinese, Franks, Goths, Japanese, Mongols, Persians, Saracens, Teutons, Turks and the Vikings and have become their king? Well, you have not finished your task: output is the first expansion of the successful title of the Microsoft Age of Empires II: the Age of Kings. The Conquerors continues the series of epic battles that have handled the Middle Ages, this time not placing at the head of great nations, but in the shoes of those men who took the reins of their people, thanks to a unique charisma and an extraordinary personality
So follow the adventures of Attila the Hun, who, with his barbarian hordes gave the final blow to the Roman Empire of the West, you will lead the armies commanded by Paladino Cid, and defend the kingdom of Montezuma by foreign aggressors. Have also been added to the main title than other civilizations, that the Koreans (and yes, they too have had a not insignificant part in the story), the Spanish and Maya. In addition to the three campaigns of "national" character, there is a fourth possibility: the maps were created to embody the role of great leaders in eight events that have marked the course of history, including the Battle of Lepanto, the Erik trip to Vindland (also mentioned in the recent episode Cultures: The Discovery of Vinland THQ), the battle of Tours and others. For the realization of this title, Microsoft and Ensemble Studios have used the work of Bruce Shelley, co-designer of Age Of Empire. Of course, even here you have to build your army step by step, though not always, fortunately, you will depart from scratch. Very often, in fact it is missions that start with small duels and turns of real battles
Each campaign begins with historical events occurred (or are suspected to have occurred!) And then you will witness and at the same time participate in the duel against Attila's brother Bleda, the rise of Montezuma, to the heroic deeds of the Cid. Since expansion has no news with regard to the look and feel, however, that already in the Age of Empire II was excellent, but there are some small changes at the management level that will certainly delighted fans of the first two titles of the series. In fact, this time your workers once built a sawmill or a mining center automatically begin to chop wood or dig, without you having to indicarglielo you, and in the case of farms, immediately rebuild the golf only once it has exhausted the previous simply by selecting the mill option relating to this action. The scanning time in the four ages of evolution has remained unchanged, as well as the control system of the unit. Another thing that often annoyed the most demanding players was that when operating the refueling had something in his hand and the ordinavate you to change job, what he had in his hand was lost, but now before moving on to new activities will be deposited in stores what he was carrying. In addition, when you order two or more men to build something you automatically have in order to be as functional as possible

The management of the market now can exchange up to five hundred units of any of your assets, or the full amount of your stock. There are also eleven new units features, including the knights Hussars, the turtle ships (a kind of armor in ancient times, used in the eastern seas), the Spanish Conquistadors, the Huns Tarkan, the Men Jaguar Aztecs, the Maya and Plumed Archers more. Many technologies have been added to search, such as theocracy, the Heresy, natural medicine and many others and, in addition, each civilization will seek its own unique technology and feature
Another novelty is that you can manage the ships in formation, just as the ground troops, something useful in the great naval battles like Lepanto. In single mode now in random map games are called "Standard" and you can choose yourself how it will be your mission, select the level of difficulty, the map, the technology, the goal and more. The Conquerors includes three new multiplayer game modes: King of the Hill, Wonder Race, Defend the Wonder. Choosing the first you will have to conquer and defend the monument placed at the center of the map for a certain period of time. To take possession of you will first kill all the guards who defend him, which is not always easy. Obviously the type of map in which you play affect your game strategy, by imposing time to build impressive city walls, now vast and efficient fleet
In the second type of game instead you will be engaged in glorifying your population by building an architectural marvel: you will not have to fight, but try to get the most flourishing in the shortest possible time, in order to beat their opponents and be the first to build something unique and inimitable
You can not attack enemies and you'll all be allies, but in multiplayer you can manage both the same population to speed. "Defend the Wonder" instead it is your responsibility to defend your wonder from enemy attacks. In this case, everyone will leave with the highest level of technology already researched the imperial age, many people and many resources and you have to prevent your opponents from attacking your "treasure". For the most demanding players (and even a little 'short-sighted!), It is possible to assign colors to the basic unit in order to distinguish at first sight between enemies and friends. A special mention deserves the beautiful soundtrack that undoubtedly creates atmosphere and offers hours of listening pleasure. It 'very successful expansion that has many new features from both the management and the variety of missions. Of course, if you have not loved the way primitive, not love it either, but if you have spent many hours of Age of Empires II, this continuation can not be missing from your playroom.

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